How Casinos Trick Gamblers Into Spending More

How Casinos Trick Gamblers Into Spending More

You stride into a twinkly casino with a wallet full of cash and a dream in your heart to win big. Several hours later you don’t know what time it is, how many drinks you’ve had or where your money went. But you’re not alone — every aspect of a casino is designed to trick people into spending more than they can afford. From lights to physical design, casinos use sounds and even smells to create a euphoric atmosphere that is hard to step away from.

The most common way that casinos lure players into spending more is through heavy drinking. Alcohol lowers inhibitions and clouds judgement, and is often provided free to players at card tables or slot machines. Combined with bright lights and happy music, this euphoric environment helps players feel at ease and stay longer. Another way that casinos use sound is by introducing a chorus of cheers whenever someone wins. This creates a false sense of possibility that keeps other players bleeding chips, despite the fact that the odds of winning are still in favor of the house.

A casino’s management also wants patrons to lose track of time, so no clocks are visible in the building. Then there’s the gambling smell, which can be added to the air via scented oils. It is a powerful trigger that reminds gamblers of past successes and encourages them to keep betting.