The Basics of Poker

The Basics of Poker


Poker is a card game where players try to win money by playing against other people. It is a popular game played in casinos and online. The basic rules are simple but there are many variants of the game.

Poker starts with each player placing an ante (a small bet), which is decided by the table. During the game, the dealer deals cards to each player in rotation.

The first deal is done to the player who has the lowest hand, and play goes clockwise around the table until the last person bets or folds. The highest hand that hasn’t folded wins the pot.

There are five different types of hands: pairs, straights, flushes, high cards and four of a kind. A pair of aces beats two kings, while a pair of queens beats a pair of jacks.

In addition, there are wild cards. These can be any card, except aces. These are used to substitute for other cards in winning hands.

A hand that includes a pair of aces is called a flush. A hand that includes a pair of queens is called a straight.

When a pair of aces and three other cards tie, the high card breaks the tie. When a straight and three other cards tie, the high card takes the lead. When a flush and three other cards tie, the high card is followed by the next highest hand.